

Group of students sitting and standing around a table with a red tablecloth on it. One student is handing a certificate to another.

Contact us

Sarah Roelfs, Executive Director of Development

310 Curtiss Hall, 513 Farm House Lane, Ames, Iowa, 50010

Please make checks payable to: ISU Foundation

2505 University Blvd.
Ames, IA 50010
Designate gift to: "Agricultural Endowment" on memo line of check 

The ISU Foundation accept gifts to the Ag Endowment Fund, which includes a 5% gift fee. This fee is used to support the work and impact of the foundation, including in CALS, and is a common model at university foundations across the country.

Mission of the Ag Endowment

The mission of the ISU Agricultural Endowment is to help Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences enhance its capacity to meet the needs of students and selected programs to benefit Iowa, the nation and the world.

Help move what matters to advance resources and opportunities in agriculture

Your commitment to the Agricultural Endowment provides resources and support for students, research and programs like Science with Practice. Every gift matters.

Donate and support

Student Support

The cost of furthering students’ education is ever-increasing, making scholarships essential in enabling students to attend Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Private support is imperative to ensure students have access to the knowledge and opportunities to enable them to excel in their educational journey and become the next generation of successful leaders of tomorrow.

Read more about a generous donation made in honor of one donor's late wife.

“Coming from a low-income family has put much pressure on me to finance my academics. With this scholarship, I will be able to have a greater focus on my research projects which currently involve monitoring small mammals such as bats and red-backed voles. One way I plan to use this scholarship is to assist in financing my current field of study.”

Programmatic Support

Programs and innovative facilities are at the hub of collaborative research and experiential learning that propel the educational experience and impact on the agricultural industry. Private funding supports key programs, including technology development, entrepreneurial activities, study abroad, undergraduate research experiences and student clubs and organizations.  

Advancing agriculture into progress through proven success

students with poster presentations

Support from the Ag Endowment has helped programs like Science with Practice and Pathways to Innovation and Leadership provide opportunities for experiential learning and allowed students to work alongside faculty on projects connecting their studies to future careers.

Your donation:

  • Can be made easily online
  • Is tax deductible
  • Supports students, programs and our mission in the college and at Iowa State University

Resource uses:

  • Scholarships
  • Support for internships and activities
  • Grants
  • Programs that advance agriculture in Iowa

When you make a gift to the Agricultural Endowment, you provide student support, sustaining the growth, innovation and advancement of future leaders in agriculture.

How you can help

Ag Endowment Impact

Your gift can help us make the difference for students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Your support can further the prestige of the ISU Agricultural Endowment, so future students know Iowa State University is the place to go to make a difference in the world. You can help us make these opportunities possible by making a contribution today using the QR code above.

  • $132,230
    Given in 2023 to Scholarships and Completion Grants that annually fund one-quarter of the scholarships in the college
  • 754
    Students have participated in the Science with Practice program since its inception in FY05
  • 80+
    Science with Practice Projects
  • 76
    Students awarded Scholarships and Completion Grants in 2023
  • 4
    Programmatic areas
  • 86+ years
    The Ag Endowment has been a major contributor to student education and success in CALS.